Friday, June 28, 2013

I always catch the clock at 5:19.

We talk about love as if its an abstract when really it's as definitive as anything can ever be. When you love something (or someone), you can see it, you can touch it, you can hear it, you can smell it, you can taste it. 

It's more than just a feeling. But don't misunderstand, because I DO feel you. I feel your kiss on my head. I feel your tear-filled eyes burning into my soul as you begged me... begged me not to. I feel you wrapping your arms around me and carrying me the night I had too many. I feel your heartbeat grow stronger in my womb. 

I feel... that this is all in my head. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Love wins every time.

Today DOMA was ruled unconstitutional and Proposition 8 was dismissed on grounds that proponents lack standing.  In other breaking news, the ocean is wet.

One day, the idea of voting on someone else's rights is going to seem completely barbaric.  The greatest thing I've seen today was on Twitter by Dave Holmes: As we celebrate today, let's spare a warm thought for our opponents, who have lost absolutely nothing.

No freedom 'til we're equal.  Damn right, I support it. - Macklemore