Monday, September 2, 2013

I promise I won't let go.

Because what are the chances of finding someone... who can finish your sentences, who will let you cut in line, who knows not to just lend a hand or an ear when you need them to give you their spine, who is woman enough to be best man at your wedding, who will keep every secret, save every letter, tell you how you really look, who will remember every single one of your birthdays without checking Facebook?  What are the odds of finding someone who knows your poetry by heart?  ...  

When the fire takes all you have, my home will be your home.  When you are old and no longer remember my face, I will meet you for the first time again and again... They could tell how rare this is.  They could tell you how rare friendship always is.  The chances are slim, the cards are always stacked against you, the odds are always low.  But I've seen the best of you and the worst of you and I choose both.  I want to share every single one of your sunshine and save some for later.  I will tuck them into my pockets so I can give them back to you when the rains fall hard.  Friend.  I want to be the air in your lungs that reminds you to breathe easy.  

When the walls come down, when the thunder rumbles, when nobody else is home, hold my hand and I promise I won't let go.

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