Friday, August 31, 2012

Attachment Parenting

This probably comes across as such a random topic for me. I'm not a parent. I'd like to be someday (as most of you know because of Dear Skye) but that's not something that will be happening in the near future. I've been talking a lot about my beliefs on parenting in the past few months, particularly attachment parenting. I've had to answer the question, what the heck is attachment parenting? so much lately that I've decided to put it all into a handy dandy little blog for you if you're interested in learning more.

Attachment parenting is based on a theory that children form strong emotional bonds with their parents during childhood that have lifelong consequences.

There are eight principles of attachment parenting:

  • Preparation for Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting
  • Feed with Love and Respect
  • Respond with Sensitivity
  • Use Nurturing Touch
  • Ensure Safe Sleep, Physically and Emotionally
  • Provide Consistent Loving Care
  • Practice Positive Discipline
  • Strive for Balance in Personal and Family Life

  • There aren't any steadfast rules. You're encouraged to make all decisions based on your child's needs. I personally have decided on natural birth (not sure if I want it at home, though), baby wearing, co-sleeping, breastfeeding, homeschooling (haven't decided until what age but will be until middle school at the latest), nurturing empathy and continuum concept. I've also really looked into paleolithic lifestyle, which I feel goes hand in hand with attachment parenting.

    Click any of the links above to learn more about what I mentioned. Also, below are some of my favorites...

    Most people feel that attachment parenting requires too much time and not fit for working families. Wrong! Check out Busy Attached Families.

    An interesting concept I've seen pop up in attachment parenting discussions is unschooling. This is not something I support. I understand and appreciate the principles behind it. I will definitely incorporate some of it's practices into the way I raise my child but I think it's best (for me, personally) if I apply those principles in conjunction with school. Interesting fact: Michelle Branch's parents practiced unschooling and she turned out just fine. I am exploring the idea of Montessori which I feel is a healthy balance.

    "Is it you think there's some impropriety sexually? Is it you think boundaries need to be walls? What is it that you hate so much about it? Ms Morissette said she believes that the general disdain for attachment parenting is a symptom of 'a severely under-touched society'. It's just shown me how traumatized America is with regards to not being open to intimacy, the horror that kind of connection, touch, she said. I think we're a severely under-touched society. Everyone thinks there's some kind of sexual impropriety going on when it's actually just connection and intimacy and nurturance." - What Part Of It Is Gross?

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