Wednesday, August 1, 2012

If it walks like a bigot, talks like a bigot... it's a bigot.

I know none of you will believe this because I'm not exactly known for keeping my mouth shut, but I really have tried my hardest to not say too much today about the imbeciles flocking to Chick-fil-a.

But, that ends now.

I'm the most intolerant person you'll ever meet apparently because if you know the severe harm Chick-fil-a is causing to a large group of people and STILL choose to support them, there's no room for you in my life. This is not about one comment made by Dan Cathy.  This is about years and years of hate and discrimination.  There's nothing good about an organization that uses shock treatment on teenagers and tells them they're beyond God's grace.  That's exactly what Exodus International does and that is one of the many hate groups that your beloved Chick-fil-a supports.  Don't you dare tell me this is an issue of freedom of speech/religion when people are DYING because of it.

It really baffles me how people can argue with facts.  Educate yourselves here.  Why support a company that's working so hard to deny people their rights?

And for the love of all things holy, Christians, please please please stop posting about how you're being persecuted. (Notice I said you not we because I don't want to be included in your shenanigans; you're making me look bad.)  If you want to talk about persecution, let's talk about the things YOU are doing to people all across the universe in the name of Jesus.  Cut it out.

I'm glad this whole Chick-fil-a shenanigans happened when it did though because through Facebook I've been able to easily point out who the bigots are and remove them from my life.


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